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Server Rules!

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Server Rules! Empty Server Rules!

Post  Admin Sun Jan 25, 2009 1:20 am

I. General Rules

• Every player must to read the rules.
• Every player must obey the rules. Failure to do so will depend according to the severity.
•Scamming, buff scamming, item enchant scamming are not allowed. Failure to act accordingly will result in warn/jail/kick/ban.
•Do not kill players with at least 20 levels lower than you. Play fair and compete with players with closer levels to yours. Killing players with at least 20 levels lower than you is a punishable offence.
•Sharing your account information is made at your own risk! we are not responsible for any accounts lost if you give the information.

II. Hacking Rules

• Hacking is not allowed. If found hacking will result in permanent Ban.
• No exploiting of any kind is allowed. If found exploiting bugs on the server will be permanently banned.
• Third-party software is forbidden on the server. If found using Third-party software will result in permanent ban.
• No bots of any kind are allowed. Anyone found in possession of bot software will result in permanent ban
• Players are obliged to announce the Administrators/GMs/Owner(s) of any bugs found during playing.

III. Chat Rules

• In main chat, shout and trade only English is allowed, however on Private, Alliance chat, Clan chat and party chat you can use any language.
• Abusive/insulting/sex related/God offensive language of any kind is not allowed on the server chat. Failure to do so will result in chatban/kick/ban.
• Racism in language is not allowed. Failure in restraining racism language will result in chat ban/jail/kick/ban.
• insulting players is not allowed. Failure in restraining abusive language will result in chat ban/jail/kick/ban.
• Advertising other servers in the chat is not allowed. Failure to do so will result in ban or permanent ban
• Players are not allowed to use the trade channel for anything other than trading

IV. GM/Admin

• Game Masters are NOT allowed to help their nonGM characters in any way.
• Game Masters or Administrators will never ask for your account information, if anyone does so, please print screen and send the screenshot(s) to the GMs.
• Players are not allowed to ask game Masters for items/skills/adena/buffs. failure to do so will result in a warning.Insisting will result in a 3 hour chat ban.
• Game Masters are allowed to act by their own will, not respecting the server rules. However they will not do so if not necessary.
• Do NOT ask GMs/Admins to be an admin, it will only lower your chances of being chosen as an admin. In order to become a GM/Admin, you need to be loyal, responsible, active, supportive and mature!
• Game Masters found abusing their power will be stripped of their Game master status. Standard Procedure is to have a head meeting first.
• Proceed giving another player your items at your own risk.
• Game masters are not responsible for lost, stolen or misplaced items.

V. NPC related Rules

• Players are not allowed to attack the NPCs in the game or defenseless NPCs(that do not attack you). Excluding monsters.

*IMPORTANT* - Rules are dynamic. They can be changed.


Posts : 12
Join date : 2009-01-24

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