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EnigmA Book of Records

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EnigmA Book of Records Empty EnigmA Book of Records

Post  FireFox Sun Mar 22, 2009 1:47 pm

I think we should have a book of records here Wink So everybody can post their records.
Also, all records must be made on OUR server not OTHERS!
Records vary from most damage to a mob to most items of one kind, or post PVPs and PKs on the server, or most matches at the olympiad or anything else! like: Highest fall, longest walk or longest raid time and other things.
But, for everything you will need proof Wink so either make a screenshot at the damage or matches or these kind of things, and for longest walk and fall and other things you will need to film it.
We are waiting to see who will get most records!
Highest jump/fall (video):
Most PKs (screenshot):
Most PVPs (screenshot)
Most Olympiad matches (anything):
Longest walk (video):
Most items of same kind (screenshot):
More to come! If you have any suggestions what other record categories
I should add (like the ones above), feel free to tell!


Posts : 106
Join date : 2009-01-24

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EnigmA Book of Records Empty Re: EnigmA Book of Records

Post  FireFox Sat Mar 28, 2009 12:30 am



Posts : 106
Join date : 2009-01-24

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